Know Where to Find the Truth


I invite you to take some time with me to consider where we can find the truth in the modern-day. It has been said that many people are kept from the truth because they do not know where to find it. Inasmuch as the author of the truth is Jesus Christ, it naturally follows that the truth can be found by following the pattern that He has established.

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Table of Contents

One Lord, Faith, Baptism, God and Father Of All

As a man was reading the scriptures, he ran across the verse where the Lord, Jesus Christ, revealed to mankind through the Apostle Paul that there is One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and father of all… Ephesians 4:5,6 (King James version). The man was taken aback and thought, there are and were many different faiths and religions, ways to baptize, with various, differing rituals, doctrines and rites and even different gods being worshipped. The man took note that Christ did not use the word FAITHS with an “S”. He remembered that the majority of the different Christian and Protestant faiths take their doctrines from the same Holy Bible. He read the verses again and realized that it was being emphasized that there is only One Lord too. He thought immediately of Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of all God's children. Well, he thought, that makes perfect sense that there is only One Lord and His name is Jesus Christ. But he reflected again on the “one faith” part of the scripture and asked himself the question, If there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ who was sent by God the Father, how many true churches should there be? ONE is the answer.

Why would the Savior find it necessary to tell us that there is “One Faith”? For Jesus Christ to make the effort to point out that there is only “ONE LORD and ONE FAITH, …”, in the face of knowing that there were different faiths in His day and there would be many different faiths or religions in the future, what point was He making? Given the fact He knew of the various faiths that were on the earth during history and would be in the future, He established the doctrine that He and His Father, God recognize as the TRUTH only one faith. In other words, of the multitude of different faiths that exist, only one is recognized as their authorized faith or true church. We know that in His day it was the church that He built.

In His effort to distinguish His True Church from the unauthorized doctrines of men, He took care to warn about the sleight of men who, by cunning craftiness, lie in wait to deceive. He wanted to prevent all from being, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, Ephesians 4:14. Even though there were other faiths in His day (i.e. Judaism, Pharisees, Sadducees, those who worshipped Baal or worshipped Dianah, the gods of the Roman Empire, Buddahism which just started in the far East and many other pagan gods), Jesus Christ sent His authorized, living apostles and representatives to go and teach all nations, baptizing them in name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28:19, 20.

He and His representatives invited all nations to leave their previous faith or religion and enter into His true church and Kingdom through the one authorized baptism. In the beginning of Jesus Christ's ministry, there were just 13 of them (He and His twelve apostles) with the goal to invite all nations to come into His church and kingdom. It is clear that Jesus Christ has a big idea and great ambition to do the will of His Father and change the world.

Jesus Christ further revealed to Paul that He has desires that, we all come in the unity of the faith, Ephesians 4:13. He wants everyone, everywhere to come in the unity of the faith and be members of His true church. This "the faith" that He wants all “to come in the unity of” is the same "one faith" revealed in Ephesians 4:5. Since Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, Hebrews 13:8Ephesians 2:20, it only makes sense that the "one faith" on which the Lord built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone, … for the perfecting of the saints, Ephesians 2:20 and 4:12, in His day is the true church through which we can obtain our salvation in our day. Think of it. Would it make sense for God to have more that one church when He has clearly revealed that there is “one faith”? Various churches with different doctrines are confusing. Since God is not the author of confusion…, 1Corinthians 14:33, only the church Jesus Christ established is the true church and only its doctrine is pure.

These efforts by Jesus Christ to verify that there is only one faith to obtain His salvation, begs the question, Since there is only one Lord, and one true faith, how can we find Jesus Christ's true church in our day? Since he is perfect, should the organization and doctrine be the same today as He had in His early church? Is there an objective test that we can use to verify which church in our day contains the same doctrines and organization of the church He built in His day?

Since we know that Jesus Christ established His authorized faith with specific doctrines and organization in His day, and since we know He is the same yesterday, today and forever, we know that His church in our modern-day must have His same doctrines. Let's take some time to consider the doctrines that Jesus Christ had in the early church in order to determine what doctrines we must find in His modern-day church.

Modern-Day Revelation to Living Prophets and Apostles

God revealed to us through His prophet Amos that surely the Lord God will do nothing but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7. As we reflect on this doctrine, we know that it is true. Throughout history, from Adam's time until now, when God had something to say to the people of earth, He has said it to His prophets who were living on the earth at the time of the message, either directly or indirectly through angels or messengers. By definition, these people were modern-day prophets for their days and in their time of mortality. Do you believe that the Lord is doing something in our day and could we use modern-day prophets? I do.

Other examples from history that confirm the doctrine of God's pattern of speaking to living prophets include Noah, Moses, Samuel (who was 10 years old when he was called by God), Nehemiah, Job, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elias, Elijah, Enoch, Ezekial, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, etc., and including Peter, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul and others who were all modern-day prophets and apostles.

Peter was told by Jesus Christ that His Father which is in heaven revealed to Peter the knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Matthew 16:16. Further, Jesus Christ instructed Peter that upon this rock (of revelation from God to His modern-day prophets) I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:17-18.

There are some who say that all revelation has ceased and there will be no more communication from God because we have all we need in The Holy Bible. That position is based upon the scripture found in Revelation 22:18 …If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues of this book… It applies only to the Book of Revelation and does not mean that God can never speak again and His words won't be recorded by the prophets to whom He speaks for the children of men to learn. John wrote Revelation while on the Isle of Patmos while in exile in about 95A.D. The same John wrote 1John, 2John, and 3John about 100 to 110A.D. ( - "First Epistle of John") while still on the Isle of Patmos. Even though John wrote Revelation first, chronologically, it was placed after 1John, 2John, and 3John in The Holy Bible. There is no way that John would have violated the Lord's direction and written more scripture if that is what Jesus Christ meant by “add unto these things”. John would not want to suffer the plagues of the Bible for writing more in violation of the Lord's will. Obviously, no one should change scripture that is written.

Deuteronomy 4:2 says that ye shall not add onto the word which I command you… If the same intent applied to this scripture as the intent given, by some, to Revelation 22:18, the rest of The Holy Bible from Deuteronomy on would be unavailable to us which is clearly not the case. On the other hand, no one should refuse to believe new scriptures and modern-day prophecies by the Lords' authorized prophets because of the traditions of others. John wrote more after the Book of Revelation because God told him to. So we now have 1, 2, and 3 John.

The chronological placement of the Book should not be used as a reason to disregard the true doctrine that God will reveal His secret to His servants the prophets. When God is ready to speak, His prophets will write it down. In John 10:16, Jesus Christ said that He had other sheep not of this fold and that He must bring them and they will hear His voice. I promise you that the words the “other sheep” heard from the Lord were recorded too. This is the good news that I am sharing with you. Jesus Christ is speaking in the modern-day to His prophets as a preparation for His Second Coming in Glory.

In the early 1820s, the modern-day prophet, Joseph Smith, in answer to prayer, received a heavenly vision of God our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ that the only true and living church would be restored by him under their direction. There was revelation to Joseph that there were writings for him to translate from ancient revelations by God and Jesus Christ to their prophets in the Americas which is known as The Book of Mormon. There, Christ described those ancient people as the lost sheep not of that fold that He spoke of in John above. 3 Nephi 15:21. There is no question that Jesus Christ revealed that there will be a restitution of ALL things before He comes in His Glory. Acts 3:19-21. One part of “all things” He has in His Church is modern-day revelation. Accordingly, we know that Jesus Christ's true church must have revelation to living prophets.

Famine of Word of God, Falling Away, and Restitution of All Things

In order to be scriptural and compliant with the prophecies, the word of God to His prophets would be suspended from time to time as described in The Holy Bible in Amos 8:11, 12. There, Amos was told by God, I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of the hearing of the words of the Lord: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it. Additionally, God's revelation to Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, after an inquiry as to when the day of the Lord would come (when Christ would come in His glory) it was explained, for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first… (nearly all of the apostles were killed, died or translated after Christ's crucifixion), which emphasizes the expected absence of Jesus Christ's church organization that requires revelation to living, authorized prophets and apostles.

The absence of these representatives in turn would interrupt revelation for a time after Jesus Christ's death and resurrection until “when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ which was before preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since the world began.” Acts 3:19-21.

The restitution of all things refers to the reestablishment of the “one faith” or true church of Jesus Christ in these last days to prepare the way for His second coming in glory. The prophecies of the “falling away” or apostacy were fulfilled through the famine of the word of God in the land that was prophesied would happen prior to the great day of the Lord when Christ would come the second time in great glory.

It follows then that His modern-day church teaches that the heavens are open and God has living apostles and prophets again on the earth leading His church.

We are Created in Their Image and Likeness and We can be One with Them

In Genesis 1:26-27 God reveals, And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness… So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and a female created he them. We are children of the Most High, He knew us before birth and He wants us to be like Him. Psalms 82:6; Jeremiah 1:5; Matthew 5:48 We are the sons of God…but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. 1John3:2

As we look at ourselves, it is clear that we have mortal bodies made of flesh, blood and bones. It stands to reason that since we are made in the image and likeness of God, He also has a body of flesh and bones but His body has the additional characteristic of being glorified and immortal. As such, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are three separate and distinct beings. The Father and the Son have separate immortal bodies of flesh and bones but the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit, and He testifies of the truth and divinity of the Father and Son.

To further emphasize the point that Jesus Christ is resurrected with an immortal body of flesh and bones, He appeared to the apostles in the upper room who were terrified since they thought they saw a spirit. He said, why are ye troubled? ... Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. To further prove that He is not a disembodied spirit but had conquered physical death and actually had possession of His immortal body, He asked for meat and they gave Him broiled fish and honeycomb and He ate it before them. Luke 24:36-43.

The scriptures found in John 17: 11, 21, and 22 and intervening verses that contain the prayer of our Master, Jesus Christ, praying to His Father that He desires to be one with His Father. He continued in His prayer to His Father that He desires that His Apostles and all those who believe in Him because of the Apostles' words to be one with Him as He is one with the Father and for those believers to also be one with each other as He is one with His Father and that they all might be “one in us”. Some say that this prayer and similar scriptures are evidence that God the Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are one in the same person… Three people in one body. If that were the true doctrine, then the Apostles and all those who believe in Jesus Christ because of their words would also be one in the same person or physical body. That concept of different people “being one” in the same body is counterintuitive and confusing.

If we can't be “one” in that way, is there a doctrine of Jesus Christ that teaches a different way to become “one” with God, Christ and each other? Consider Philippians 2:2 and 5, Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. This way to be one with our God and each other makes sense and is actually possible. Being of the same love and one accord and one mind, is the true doctrine that supports and is consistent with the verses of scripture that reveal that Christ and his Father are two separate beings.

In Acts 7:55, 56, when Stephen was being stoned to death, he testified that he looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God. Stephen said, “Behold I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God”, clearly identifying God our Father as a separate and distinct person from the Son of Man, Jesus Christ.

Thus, the modern day Church of Jesus Christ will have the doctrine that the Father and the Son have separate and distinct bodies of flesh and bone that are glorified and perfected and we are in their image and likeness and we all can be one with them and each other in love, accord, mind, and purpose.

No Paid Ministry with Authorized Priesthood Power

Some say that they are called to preach by the word in The Holy Bible. All men who are called of God to preach the word of God and to minister to his children are ordained to his office and calling by the laying on of hands as was Aaron, Numbers 27:23, Acts 13:3, Hebrews 5:1-5. And no man taketh this honour upon himself, but he that is called of God as was Aaron. This authority must be given by one who has the authority by the laying on of hands. It is important to know that the true church of God has a record and history of when and how it received the priesthood power of God for men to be authorized to minister in the saving ordinances in the Kingdom of God. Since The Holy Bible describes the way that a man who is called to the work is ordained by the laying on of hands as was Aaron, it (The Holy Bible) cannot call and ordain men to an office in the Priesthood of God.

As an authorized representative of Christ preaches to God's children or feeds the flock, he/she should do it willingly and for free (without pay), “not for filthy lucre….” 1Peter 5:2. By way of information, the word “lucre” is defined as gain in money or goods; profits; usually in an ill sense, or with the sense of something base or unworthy, Black's Law Dictionary. Jesus Christ revealed to Peter that those who feed the flock (preach His word to God's children), for gain or pay are considered to have earned not only ill-gotten gain but “filthy” ill-gotten gain. Christ revealed to Matthew, “for freely ye have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8. The tithes and offerings that are required to be paid to the church by Malachi 3:8 are intended to be used by the faithful followers of Jesus Christ in His Kingdom for the building up of the Kingdom and not for the payment to, profit for or financial gain of those who minister in His Kingdom. So His church in these last days should have tithes and offerings but no paid ministry.

As such, the ministry in the “one faith” or true church of Jesus Christ in these last days must be a lay or unpaid ministry.

Baptism by Immersion with Proper Priesthood Authority

Baptism is necessary to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. John 3:3-5 Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist by immersion and went straightway up out of the water. Matt. 3:16 Why did Jesus Christ go to John the Baptist for his baptism when he was so far away? He went some 80 kilometers to be baptized by John the Baptist because John had the authority to baptize in the kingdom of God.

It makes perfect since for Jesus Christ to be baptized by one who has the authority of God. What good would it have done for Christ to be baptized by someone who had no authority in the kingdom of God? Christ knew better than anyone that baptism by one who does not have the priesthood authority and power to do so is not effective and must be done again. Proper priesthood authority makes a difference.

To help give a better understanding of the importance of proper priesthood authority, suppose a person was given a speeding ticket by a private Attorney for speeding. Even though the Attorney may know all of the laws associated with speeding, he has no authority from the State to write tickets. Then any tickets written by him are void and without force. Likewise, any baptisms performed by those who do not have proper priesthood authority (even though they may know the scriptures), are not valid and must be performed again by someone with proper authority.

Authorized baptism by immersion is the true principle that must exist in the modern day church too.

God Intends for Husband to Live Together with Wife in Eternal Life

A man came into my office the other day very sad because he had cancer and he had been given a prognosis of only six months to live so we prepared the documents he needed. As we talked, I discovered that he was most sad because he was alone. His wife had died a few years earlier, after a lifetime together, and he felt that it was a foreboding thought to think that they would not be together after death. We discussed how when they were married in their youth that they agreed to be apart after death in the very vows that were solemnizing their marriage relationship in mortality. He said it seemed now like only yesterday and it seemed to him like it would feel unnatural not to be with her after death.

We discussed that there is no scripture reference in The Holy Bible that states a Husband and wife should be together only until death do they part or in the resurrection with the exception of “The children of this world”. Luke 20:27-38. There is the account of the Sadducees that deny any resurrection who used a hypothetical scenario to challenge the reality of the universal resurrection which was made possible by Jesus Christ by virtue of His death and miraculous resurrection. The unbelieving Sadducees thought to entangle Christ with the question concerning Moses' instruction that if a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. The hypothetical relates that the first of seven brothers had a wife and the first brother died without children so his wife was left eventually to all of his brothers until they had all died without having children along with the wife also.

The Sadducees' posed the question, "Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? For they all had her." At this point, the Sadducees apparently thought that with this hypothetical scenario, they could entangle Jesus Christ with His answer and prove that the universal resurrection of the dead could not be real if Jesus Christ could not answer the question. Their intent notwithstanding, Jesus answered them, "The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage; but they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage..., and Jesus Christ told them, "... Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God", regarding their hypothetical question, Matthew 22:29.

As we analyze Christ's answer, we recognize the distinction and consequence that applies to “the children of this world” as it pertains to their restriction from having a marriage status in/after the resurrection from the dead. That status, which corresponds to the lesser glory obtained by “the children of this world"... is that they neither marry nor are given in marriage in the resurrection. We know the principle to be in the world but not of the world. We learn in 1 John 2:16, "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." The consequence of being "of the world" results in being accounted worthy to obtain that world with a corresponding lesser glory of the three glories mentioned...Sun is the brightest glory corresponding to the most worthy of God's children, Moon is less bright and corresponds to a lesser glory, and Stars is even less bright and corresponds to an even lesser glory or worthiness still, see 1Corinthians 15:41, 42. Those lesser glories are merited by “the children of this world” which also imposes the additional consequence of not being permitted to experience the status of marriage to a spouse in/after the resurrection.

The above principle and consequence for being “the children of this world” and not worthy of marriage in the resurrection reconciles perfectly with the doctrines that promise the status of a marriage relationship between a husband and wife, who are righteous or in other words, “not of this world” and worthy of the glory of the Sun. As found in 1Peter 3:7, "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life..." also, 1Cor. 11:11, "Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.", 1John 2: 17... "but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever." 1John 2:25, "And this is the promise that He has promised us, even eternal life." Matthew 19:6, "what therefore God hath joined together (referring to the marriage of a man and a woman when the man leaves his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife... Gen. 2:24), let no man put asunder.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is consistent with the doctrine that a righteous (not of this world) husband and wife in mortality should be together as a husband and wife after death as heirs of the grace of life. 1Peter 3:7. The word “heirs” contemplates that after their mortal death, a husband and his wife may inherit eternal life together. This life after mortal death as it pertains to a husband and wife being together is the eternal life that was promised by God. The Savior gave Peter the power that what is bound on earth by that power is also bound in heaven ... Matthew 16:19. This power to bind pertains to eternal family bonds.

Consistent with this doctrine is the teaching of Jesus to the Pharisees, who came tempting him, that when God put a husband and wife together, no man should put the marriage asunder. Christ instructed them that even though Moses authorized a divorce because of the hardness of their hearts, from the beginning it was not so. Matthew 19:3-8.

From these doctrines of Christ it can be expected that His church in the last days will teach the same doctrines of husband and wife being together as such, after death, with even more clarity because of modern-day revelation to His authorized representatives. Think of it. Not only does He provide for the entry of God's children into His eternal kingdom through authorized baptism, but He has provided for the preservation of their continued marriage relationship as husband and wife after death!

It follows then, that His true modern church will also teach that a righteous husband and wife can be together as such in the resurrection and that families can be bound together forever.

Jesus Christ Preached His Gospel to the Living and the Dead

It is clear from the scriptures that Jesus Christ preached His gospel to the living for their benefit and learning that they may have an opportunity to accept Him as their Savior and be beneficiaries of His atoning sacrifice, death and miraculous resurrection. Another doctrine of His true gospel in His mortality that is not quite as apparent or widely taught is His ministry and preaching to the dead.

You might ask the question, Why would anyone need the gospel preached to them after they are dead? How could that even happen? You might reason that anyone who has lived in this world and on this earth and seen His creations has had the chance to observe the gospel of Jesus Christ. If they didn't search it out and accept it, they shouldn't get a second chance to hear it and accept it after death.

Let us take a moment to consider what we are to make of Christ's preaching to the spirits in prison after He was put to death in the flesh but quickened by the Spirit. These spirits that Christ was teaching, were disobedient in the time of Noah. 1Pet.3:18-21; 1Pet.4:6. Why would Christ preach to these spirits if there is no hope that they could benefit from His preaching? Certainly, Christ would not preach to them in vain. Christ's power over death brought Lazarus back to life. He was raised after “he stinketh”. John 11:43, 44 Obviously, Christ's love for Lazarus is authentic. Just as real and unmistakable, is His saving love for our kindred dead.

It is true that misguided and disobedient spirit sons and daughters of God will be able to hear AND accept His true gospel after they have died? This is a marvelous doctrine of a God who is full of grace and truth. What about those people who have lived on earth and never heard of Jesus Christ or His gospel. Is it fair that they should go to hell just because they never heard of Christ and that is why they did not accept Him as their Savior while ignorant of Him on this earth? NO! Jesus Christ is fair and He has provided preaching to the dead so they too can be blessed with salvation if they did not have a full and fair opportunity to hear and accept it here on earth. Your search will verify that Jesus Christ's modern-day church doctrine includes the preaching of His gospel to the dead.

Saving Ordinances Performed by the Living and Vicariously for the Dead

What about the dead (post-mortal spirits) who accept the true gospel preached to them through Jesus Christ's plan of salvation? Jesus Christ told Nicodemus that in order for a man to enter into the Kingdom of God he had to be born again … of the water and the Spirit. John 3:3-5. Since there is no baptism in the post-mortal spirit world, how will the spirits there who accept the true gospel being taught be born again …of the water and the spirit be baptized? The fairness of Christ has been shown by His providing the doctrine of vicarious baptism and other ordinances for the dead by the living.

When the Sadducees approached Paul not believing in the resurrection of the dead, Jesus Christ revealed through Paul that as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 1Cor. 15:21-22 In order to persuade the Sadducees of the reality of the resurrection, Paul referred to the ordinance which people were practicing in their day…, “ Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are they then baptized for the dead?” 1Cor. 15:29 Right before our eyes, the miracle of vicarious work for the dead is revealed.

This doctrine follows the pattern and doctrine that was established in Christ's church in His day. Christ has provided a way for all of the ordinances of His true gospel to be performed on behalf of the accepting post mortal spirits vicariously through the living members of God's kingdom here on earth. Such that the children or descendants of their ancestors will be looked to for help by their fathers to be able to receive the gospel ordinances that were missed while the ancestors were here.

Accordingly, the purpose of the earth will not be frustrated as set forth in Malachi 4:5, 6 which says, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” The focus of this scripture is centered in the blessing of the necessity of gospel ordinances performed vicariously by living children for their ancestors, deceased fathers and mothers who did not have the opportunity to accept the true faith and make covenants with God while they were on this earth. Like Lazarus, Christ will save God's repentant children from physical and spiritual death.

Even though these doctrines may sound new to you, they are not new but have been a part of the scriptures for many centuries. Only through modern-day revelation to living prophets and the restoration of His authority and true church has Jesus Christ made these true doctrines available to His children as prophesied in preparation for his Second Coming in Power and Great Glory.

Finding authorized, vicarious work for the dead will help you verify which modern-day church is recognized by Jesus Christ.


Every doctrine of Christ's primitive church (if it was not fulfilled at His ancient coming i.e. the Law of Moses, the law of blood Sacrifice with burnt offerings was replaced with the requirement of a broken heart and a contrite spirit) is found in His church today. The doctrines addressed above are just a sample of the doctrines that can be used to verify that statement.

My analysis and prayerful search has brought me to know that there is only one Jesus Christ and one true and living church as God's Kingdom on earth. Like me, you too can know it. My hope is to share with you this method and formula, by the Spirit, that you can apply to your search that you too may find this truth and be blessed.

I have found that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ's one faith and true church authorized by Him and His Father and this is WHERE YOU CAN FIND THE TRUTH too. It will bring you peace and joy in this life and in the life to come. The church contains the same doctrines as His church established in ancient times.

I humbly hope that you will search these things and suggestions out in your heart and mind and then ask God with faith in Jesus Christ, before, during and after this search along with fasting and He will answer your prayer by the power of the Holy Ghost.

I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Joseph N. Connell, A Son of God and Brother of All